The Humanistic Capitalism of Solar Renaissance.


At the foundation of every enterprise are men and ideas that are strongly expressed in the way they act on a daily basis. Solar Renaissance was born around the strong values of Humanistic Capitalism. According to these guiding principles, an Enterprise is not an island destined solely to produce profit but is an active, living part of a community in which it operates, generating work and thus well-being, and becoming an active member of common living through actions that are carried out for the purpose of improving the territory, the environment, becoming a driver of continuous change for the betterment of all.

For this reason, Rinnovamento Solare has endowed itself with a foundation, the Scimeca Foundation, to which a portion of the profits are allocated, which are then used for the purpose of sustaining and extending a common mindset among people that looks at the environment not as a resource to be consumed, despoiling it, but rather as to a Unity to be respected and preserved.

Like the environment, Art, Culture, Territory and more generally all those areas in which living together can become opportunities for positive transformation, development, rebirth and the generator of new well-being at every level are the fields of intervention supported by the Scimeca Foundation.

“We certainly cannot imagine saving the world on our own,” says Nino Scimeca, president of the Foundation of the same name and business director of Rinascimento Solare, “but we are convinced that if so many companies began to act according to these principles then we would witness a true Revolution where the private sector does not simply remain an ‘absorber’ of resources but would become a multiplier through interventions that, all together, could generate a fundamental push toward a concrete improvement in everyone’s living conditions.”